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Welcome to the Autumn 2010 Edition of the Taggart Report

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Taggart Report. In this edition we have provided some reading on estate planning matters, general insurance, and details of our upcoming seminar with our special guest presenter Dr Chris Caton.

May is budget month, and as usual we will be sending out our post-budget report. It should make for interesting reading and analysis.


Taggart Education Series 2010 - A Sharemarket and World Economic Update

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

Our first seminar in our 2010 series will be 'A Sharemarket and World Economic Update', presented by Dr Chris Caton, Chief Economist of BT Financial Group.

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Building a bigger retirement nest egg

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

Will your superannuation provide you with the retirement you want? Read More »

Aged care options

by Taggart Team

Aged care: what are the options, and how much does it cost?

There are a myriad of aged care options available in Australia, depending on individual needs.

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What you need to know about Ponzi schemes

by Melinda Garland

‘A fool and his money are soon parted’ as the old saying goes. Right? Not necessarily.

The financial scams being promoted these days – especially over the internet – have become as sophisticated as the clients they are attempting to target.

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Take control of who gets your super.

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

You may think that you super will automatically go to your spouse or estate if you pass away, but this may not be the case. That is why you need to consider making a binding death benefit nomination.

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Comprehensive Truck Insurance Package - at a glance!

by Andy Wells

This article will tell you about comprehensive truck insurance, what it is, who it is for and general features and benefits of this type of insurance policy.

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Workers Compensation Basics - what are they?

by The Taggart Group Pty Ltd

If a business employs or hires workers on a regular, casual or contract basis, they are considered to be an employer and must have a workers compensation insurance policy.

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