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Welcome to the Spring 2010 Edition of the Taggart Report

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Taggart Report.  In this edition we have provided some reading on general interest information and tax issues.

We hope you enjoy this edition.

Navigating investment property tax deductions

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

If you have purchased an investment property, ensuring that you use every available concession can make a significant difference to your bottom line....Read More »

Explaining the EU debt crisis

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

Why is a country as small as Greece the trigger for a broader regional economic emergency?Read More »

BP Gulf Oil Disaster - a lesson in diversification

by Melinda Garland

Pension funds have about 8% of their UK equity holdings in BP. as until the disaster occurred, BP represented about 8% of the FTSE 100 index of leading shares. The effects are widespread......Read More »

Investment themes for the next decade

by Dr Jim Taggart OAM

Where are we headed investment-wise over the next decade? While the answer remains anyone’s guess, here are some themes that you are likely to hear more of as the years progress.

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Strata Schemes Management Regulations 2010, Part 3

by The Taggart Group Pty Ltd

The Strata Schemes Management Regulations 2010, Part 3, 12 was adopted by the NSW Government on 1 September 2010.  This is seen as a 'missed opportunity' according the Australia's leading strata insurance specialist, CHU Underwriting Agencies.

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