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Welcome to the Winter 2009 Edition of the Taggart Report

This edition of our newsletter provides some important information on changes to superannuation, tax and social security as announced in the Federal budget in May.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Taggart Report.

New year, new beginnings

by Dr Jim Taggart OAM

It’s a good time for clients to look at their goals and portfolio, and adjust them for the new financial year.

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Using trusts to manage family wealth

by Taggart Team

A trust can benefit the creation and preservation of family wealth

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Taggart Federal Budget Overview

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

We have summarised the main points of the May Federal budget in this article, and how these changes may impact your current situation. The main areas are:

a) Superannuation

b) Taxation

c) Social Security

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Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

From 1 July 2009 the ATO requires any superannuation (over the 9% statutory superannuation guarantee amount) paid to employees to be reported on the new payment summary forms.

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Are we on the road to financial recovery?

by Taggart Team

We have been asked quite a bit lately about when we think a financial recovery may commence. This article provides some general information on the indicators used by economists to determine if a recovery is forthcoming.

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Directors & Officers Liability insurance - important cover for business owners.

by Andy Wells

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance [D&O] protects the directors and officers in your business against claims arising form their actions and decisions in their official capacities.

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