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Welcome to the Spring 2009 Edition of the Taggart Report

This edition of our newsletter provides some important information on changes to social security, and also some interesting articles onf financial planning and general insurance matters.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Taggart Report.

Centrelink has changed things again!

by Taggart Team

If you are receiving, or are considering applying to Centrelink, for benefits, then you need to be aware that there are major changes that occured effective 20 September 2009.

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The lowdown on super versus investment

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

If you are planning to invest, you may have asked yourself "should I put the money into super, or am I better off buying an investment property?"

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General Insurance Products in Focus

by The Taggart Group Pty Ltd

Did you know that you can have a policy that protects a Compnay and its employees from the imposition of fines and penalties?

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Generation Y and investment

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

The following article was posted in The Age newspaper on 12 August 2009.

One of the golden rules of building financial security is to invest your money in appreciating assets - that is, into assets that are expected to increase in value over time. The Baby Boomers did this well, making their fortune in property, Gen X have profited by playing the sharemarket game.

But it appears that Generation Y have missed the lesson: in 2008 this younger generation spent $48 billion on depreciating intangible assets.

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What do life insurance insurance premiums pay for?

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

When purchasing most goods and services, its reasonably evident what the price must cover. Generally, it includes the cost of materials used to construct the item, production fees, distribution expenses and mark-ups incurred during the manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer transition. We are often asked about how premiums are calculated, so hopefully the following information will help answer some of those enquiries.

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