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Welcome to the Winter 2010 Edition of the Taggart Report

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Taggart Report.  In this edition we have provided some reading on general interest information and useful websites for future reference.

Now that the financial year has ended, the new financial year brings changes from 1 Juy for a number of financial services areas.  The start of a new financial year is always a good time to review your existing strategies and arrangements, particularly if there are changes that you need to take into account.

We hope you enjoy this edition.

Keeping it in the family

by Melinda Garland

There are options to provide for future generations through tax effective structures...........Read More »

Review of Australian product safety recalls system

by Lyn Del Rosario

In a report issued by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in May this year, 'Review of the Australian product safety recalls system', a number of changes to the way products are recalled in Australia have been proposed.

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Travel Insurance - why you should take out travel insurance before going overseas

by The Taggart Group Pty Ltd

For most Australians overseas travel is a wonderful experience.  Unfortuantely, however, every day the DFAT consular officers deal with human tradegies involving death, injury or hospitalisation of Australians abroad.  The following article has been provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.  The full information can be found on their webiste at

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What is your most important asset?

by Taggart Team

  Most people have insurance for their home and motor vehicles, but fail to cover their most valuable assets - their life and their ability to earn income over the long term.

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Useful websites for future reference

by Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd

We are often looking for website addresses for Government and other sites that have information needed for every day matters.  We have provided a list below of 15 popular sites that you may need for future reference.

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