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In this edition

Keeping it in the family
Review of Australian product safety recalls system
Travel Insurance - why you should take out travel insurance before going overseas
What is your most important asset?
Useful websites for future reference

Article brought by Lyn Del Rosario

Lyn has been working in General Insurance Broking since 1993. She joined the company in July 2006 and is currently an Account Manager- General Insurance with The Taggart Group P/L.

Lyn has successfully completed the Tier 1 level for General Insurance & Broking with the Australian & New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance. Lyn is authorised to provide advice as a Representative of The Taggart Group Pty Ltd under their Australian Financial Services Licence.

Contact details

The Taggart Report
02 9894 9155
02 9894 8599
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Review of Australian product safety recalls system

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Following that report, Pamela Madafiglio - head of the Sydney Insurance & Corporate Disputes Team at Minter Ellison - provided her insights into the review.  Pamela recommends that 'suppliers, and, indeed, others in the supply chain should start to reveiw their recall strategy and their recall policies and procedures in light of the review'.

Product recalls can have a devastating impact on a wide range of people, including suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers.  There are general insurance policies that can help protect clients from the catastrphoic effects of a product recall.  These policies generally provide coverage for recall costs, replacement costs, business interruption, rehabilitation expenses and product extortion costs.

If you believe that you may need to consider coverage for product recalls, please contact our office by phone on 02 9894 9155, or by email to  You can get a full copy of the review from the ACCC website by visiting


Information sourced from Liberty International Underwriters e-new Update dated 17 June 2010.

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