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In this edition

Quantitative Easing
Reversionary Pensions
Paid Parental Leave
After the Deluge

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A guide to retirement income streams

As financial planners we are aware that each client is different and matching a client’s to a retirement income product is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

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After the Deluge

The economic impact of the Queensland and Victorian floods is just starting to be counted. The human cost will be immeasurable. We look at some of the possible longer-term economic effects of the floods.|READMORE|

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Aged care options

Aged care: what are the options, and how much does it cost?

There are a myriad of aged care options available in Australia, depending on individual needs.

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Annuities as a retirement income stream

Are you considering an annuity as part of your retirement income planning?  The following brief information may help you.

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April Tax Tips

It has been a busy year for Australian tax an super, bot legislative and judicial.  The highlight is undoubtedly the passing of the controversial carbon tax bill into law, which will see a raft of personal tax changes, as well as the introduction of the mineral resources rent tax (MRRT) legislation.  We will briefly cover a review of 2011/12 and the changes to be implemented in the next financial year. 

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Are we on the road to financial recovery?

We have been asked quite a bit lately about when we think a financial recovery may commence. This article provides some general information on the indicators used by economists to determine if a recovery is forthcoming.

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Articles dedicated to Self Managed Super Funds

In this edition we have two articles for Self Managed Super Fund Trustees.  The first is on borrowing to invest within SMSF's with particular focus on property investments, and the second is on using reversionary pensions in an SMSF. |READMORE|

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Blue September - Nationwide awareness on men's health

September 2011 is again ‘Blue September’ and we thought it a good time to remind you about the risks of male cancer, and how trauma insurance can provide support if you contract a male cancer.

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BP Gulf Oil Disaster - a lesson in diversification

Pension funds have about 8% of their UK equity holdings in BP. as until the disaster occurred, BP represented about 8% of the FTSE 100 index of leading shares. The effects are widespread......|READMORE|

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Building a bigger retirement nest egg

Will your superannuation provide you with the retirement you want? |READMORE|

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Centrelink has changed things again!

If you are receiving, or are considering applying to Centrelink, for benefits, then you need to be aware that there are major changes that occured effective 20 September 2009.

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Changes Alert! Recent changes that may affect you.

Following are a number of recent changes or issues that we think may be of interest to you, or may affect you after the recent budget.

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Collectables in an SMSF

Art, wine and stamp collections can form an alternative investment for your Self Managed Superannuation Fund. Find out more about how the new regulations will affect you. |READMORE|

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Collectables in an SMSF

Art, wine and stamp collections can form an alternative investment for your Self Managed Superannuation Fund. Find out more about how the new regulations will affect you. |READMORE|

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Comprehensive Truck Insurance Package - at a glance!

This article will tell you about comprehensive truck insurance, what it is, who it is for and general features and benefits of this type of insurance policy.

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Continuing series of 'Improve your IQ'

Welcome to the next set of puzzles in our IQ challenges.  The puzzles will be gradually getting harder throughout the series.

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Coping with redundancy

The last decade has been good for job seekers. Unemployment has been low, and companies have been crying out for good staff. The resources boom continues to shield Australia from some of the problems being experienced in other countries, but parts of our economy are starting to show signs of weakness in the face of higher interest rates and petrol prices.

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Corporate or individual trustees – the pros and the cons

There are two options for trusteeship of a Self Managed Superannuation Fund – corporate or individual. We look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of each style of trusteeship. |READMORE|

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Corporate or individual trustees – the pros and the cons

There are two options for trusteeship of a Self Managed Superannuation Fund – corporate or individual. We look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of each style of trusteeship. |READMORE|

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Cross Border Provisions relating to workers compensation

Effective 1 January 2006, Employers are required to determine the ‘State of Connection’ of each worker and arrange coverage under a Workers Compensation Policy as required in that State.

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CTP Insurance - At Fault Protection Cover


CTP is a statutory cover which is required under the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 and the Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006.  Some policies provide At Fault Protection - what does that mean?

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Directors & Officers Liability insurance - important cover for business owners.

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance [D&O] protects the directors and officers in your business against claims arising form their actions and decisions in their official capacities.

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Directors’ liabilities and the superannuation guarantee

Attention Company Directors - you could be personally liable! |READMORE|

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Directors’ liabilities and the superannuation guarantee

Attention Company Directors - you could be personally liable! |READMORE|

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DIY Wills - what are the pitfalls?

In a recent edition of The Sydney Morning Herald Money section, there was an excellent article by Lesley Parker on avoiding the pitfalls of a DIY Will.  We have taken some important points from that article for you to consider.

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End of Year checklist

The end of the financial year is fast approaching. It’s time to get the most out of your hard earnt dollars! Here are some tips to maximise your tax position and to help you take advantage of the concessions available to SMSFs. |READMORE|

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Explaining the EU debt crisis

Why is a country as small as Greece the trigger for a broader regional economic emergency?|READMORE|

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General insurance claims scenarios

The following are claims scenarios provided by Dual Australia in their claims scenario document from June 2010.  The scenarios cover different general insurance policies such as Directors & Officers Liability, Employment Practices, OH&S, and Crime.

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General Insurance Products in Focus

Did you know that you can have a policy that protects a Compnay and its employees from the imposition of fines and penalties?

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Generation Y and investment

The following article was posted in The Age newspaper on 12 August 2009.

One of the golden rules of building financial security is to invest your money in appreciating assets - that is, into assets that are expected to increase in value over time. The Baby Boomers did this well, making their fortune in property, Gen X have profited by playing the sharemarket game.

But it appears that Generation Y have missed the lesson: in 2008 this younger generation spent $48 billion on depreciating intangible assets.

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Government announces changes to aged care

The Government continues to face the challenges of an ageing population and ensuring that adequate services are available.  The Government considers that it will still fund a significant proportion of the cost of care, but considers it is appropriate for individuals to contribute to the cost of care, if able to do so.

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How can you stop the most common method of car theft?

Figures have shown that the number of car thefts have been decreasing over the years, however in 2011 3 out of 4 car theft claims1 have involved keys being stolen directly from owner's homes

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How worried are you about your super/investments? Come and see us.

All of you have probably been reading in the newspapers and hearing on the television about all the doom and gloom in the investment world at present.


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Improve Your IQ

Welcome to the first of our IQ puzzle challenges.  There is no prize or benefit for you to complete the puzzles, other than testing yourself!

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In-house asset rules and Self Managed Superannuation Funds

If you have your own Self Managed Super Fund [SMSF] you will need to be aware of the changes in the in-house asset rules. In 1999, changes to the in-house rules applying to super funds, including SMSF's, were legislated. The ten-year transition period that applied to some of these changes expires on 30 June 2009.

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Insurance bonds revisited

Want an investment that is free from capital gains tax if you hold it for more than 10 years? Look no further than insurance bonds. |READMORE|

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Insurance in superannuation

Insurance and superannuation funds go hand in hand – but is that always a good thing for SMSFs? In this article, we look at insurance policies within superannuation funds, as well as some recent rulings and their impact on policies held by SMSFs. |READMORE|

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Insuring your most important asset - Part 2

Part 2 of this story provides more detailed information on income protection and the important role it plays in protecting your family and your personal assets.

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Insuring your most important asset Part 1

You have protected your assets against loss or damage, but what about protecting your income?

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Investment themes for the next decade

Where are we headed investment-wise over the next decade? While the answer remains anyone’s guess, here are some themes that you are likely to hear more of as the years progress.

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Is it time to put a New Years' broom to your finances?

Every year or two you should sit down and look at your financial position and see how things are going.  Are you still heading in the direction you want to be going?

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Keeping it in the family

There are options to provide for future generations through tax effective structures...........|READMORE|

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Latest article in Western Sydney Business ACCESS

In our previous newsletter we mentioned the recent articles from Jim & Chris in the Western Sydney Business ACCESS magazine. 

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Motor Vehicle Accidents - what to do if you need to make a claim!

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident, no matter how minor or major the accident is, means that there will probably be involvement of a third party with whom arrangements need to be made to either recover costs from them or pay costs to them. We have put together a summary of what you should do if you have a motor vehicle accident.

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Navigating investment property tax deductions

If you have purchased an investment property, ensuring that you use every available concession can make a significant difference to your bottom line....|READMORE|

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New work, health & safety legislation

On 4 May 2011, the NSW Government introduced a Bill to enact the national model work health and safety legislation. The Bill is currently before the NSW Parliament.


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New year, new beginnings

It’s a good time for clients to look at their goals and portfolio, and adjust them for the new financial year.

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Paid Parental Leave

A new regime of government-funded paid parental leave came into force on January 1. As is often the case with government initiatives, the devil is in the detail......|READMORE|

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Premium Funding - Pay By The Month

Did you know that you are able to arrange to pay your premiums on a monthly basis by way of insurance premium funding? 

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Property in SMSF – don’t forget about Capital Gains Tax

Many Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) trustees consider investing in property, but the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) implications at sale time can be daunting. Here, we discuss the various calculation methods of CGT and use a case study to show the factors that can influence the fund’s taxable outcome. |READMORE|

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Protectiong your workplace if you are a home based business

If you are a home based business owner you should not assume that your home and contents insurance will provide you with adequate cover for your business, and business activities.  Home based businesses usually need the same sort of insurance cover that you would need if you were operating away from home.

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Quantitative Easing

Quantitative Easing is the name of a method used by governments to stimulate the economy when interest rates are either at or close to zero. It is viewed as dangerous by many economists.|READMORE|

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Recent articles in Western Sydney Business ACCESS

Over the last few months, Jim & Chris have been writing articles in the Western Sydney Business ACCESS Magazine on issues relating to risk insurance. 

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Reminder - EOFY matters

The end of the current financial year is fast approaching, and we wanted to pass on a friendly reminder about what you should think about before 30 June arrives.

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Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions

From 1 July 2009 the ATO requires any superannuation (over the 9% statutory superannuation guarantee amount) paid to employees to be reported on the new payment summary forms.

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Reversionary Pensions

Many superannuation funds allow members to nominate a reversionary pension beneficiary when they start a pension. We examine reversionary pensions and their role in a super fund....|READMORE|

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Review of Australian product safety recalls system

In a report issued by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in May this year, 'Review of the Australian product safety recalls system', a number of changes to the way products are recalled in Australia have been proposed.

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Self Managed Super Fund Page - watch this space!

With the ever growing number of clients contacting us re their existing self managed super fund (SMSF) or wanting to set up a SMSF, we will be dedicating a separate page to SMSF articles from our next newsletter.

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Starting and stopping a pension in SMSF

The Australian Taxation Office has clarified its views on when a pension starts and stops. We look at how stopping a pension can affect the tax situation of a fund. |READMORE|

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State of Origin Competition

State of Origina 2 pick the score competition - simple entry and only costs the price of an email.

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State your purpose

Failure to meet the Sole Purpose Test can have far-reaching implications for a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF). To ensure that your fund complies, understanding the regulation is your first step. |READMORE|

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Strata Schemes Management Regulations 2010, Part 3

The Strata Schemes Management Regulations 2010, Part 3, 12 was adopted by the NSW Government on 1 September 2010.  This is seen as a 'missed opportunity' according the Australia's leading strata insurance specialist, CHU Underwriting Agencies.

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Super Co-contribution - the end of Financial Year is fast approaching!

The end of the 08/09 financial year is fast approaching and now is a good time to consider whether you want to make that personal contribution to possibly be leigible for the Government co-contribution.

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Superannuation death benefits - super or not super: that is the question!

Recently we wrote about the different aspects of holding your insurance cover inside and outside of superannuation.  In this article we will concentrate on insurance within super, and specifically a superannuation death benefit payment, how the payment is treated depending on whether the recipient is a financial dependent or not, and the effect of making – or not making- a beneficiary nomination for your super benefit.    

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Taggart Education Series 2010 - A Sharemarket and World Economic Update

Our first seminar in our 2010 series will be 'A Sharemarket and World Economic Update', presented by Dr Chris Caton, Chief Economist of BT Financial Group.

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Taggart Federal Budget Overview

We have summarised the main points of the May Federal budget in this article, and how these changes may impact your current situation. The main areas are:

a) Superannuation

b) Taxation

c) Social Security

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Taggart Group bar code for our contact details

We now have our own bar code for our important contact details!

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Take control of who gets your super.

You may think that you super will automatically go to your spouse or estate if you pass away, but this may not be the case. That is why you need to consider making a binding death benefit nomination.

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Tax Tips for 30 June

The end of financial year is coming up fast, and there are a number of strategies that you can implement to assist with topping up your super and assisting with tax issues.  Following are some tips that will help assist with tax issues and boosting your super.

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The importance of having the correct personal cover - case study

In this edition of our newsletter we have spoken about the importance of having the right insurance cover.  One of our insurance partners - AIA Australia - has provided us with a story of one of their clients and how having the right cover has helped them when they needed it most.   

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The lowdown on super versus investment

If you are planning to invest, you may have asked yourself "should I put the money into super, or am I better off buying an investment property?"

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The Taggart Group of Companies - What we can do for you.

We are often asked about our services and what we offer for our clients. We thought it would be a good time to remind everyone what The Taggart Group Pty Ltd and Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd can do for our clients.

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The value of obtaining financial advice

There has been quite a lot of noise in the media over the last 12 months or so about Financial Advisers and their fees and charges.  The following is commentary from Taggart Nominees Pty Ltd about this issue.

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The “R” word

After you cope with the news and your redundancy entitlements are added up, the numbers can look pretty good. However, knowing how long the redundancy money will last is vital, especially if you haven’t secured other work by the time you receive your final payout....|READMORE|

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Things to think about before the end of finacial year

We are now in the last financial quarter of this financial year, and if you have not already started considering your end of financial year matters, now is a good time to start.

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Total & Permanent Disability Insurance - It’s a matter of definition

With so many things, the details are often what counts in the end. This is no different when it comes to establishing appropriate Total and Permanent Disability insurance. Do you know if you have the right coverage for your needs?.....|READMORE|

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Travel Insurance - why you should take out travel insurance before going overseas

For most Australians overseas travel is a wonderful experience.  Unfortuantely, however, every day the DFAT consular officers deal with human tradegies involving death, injury or hospitalisation of Australians abroad.  The following article has been provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.  The full information can be found on their webiste at

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Useful websites for future reference

We are often looking for website addresses for Government and other sites that have information needed for every day matters.  We have provided a list below of 15 popular sites that you may need for future reference.

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Using trusts to manage family wealth

A trust can benefit the creation and preservation of family wealth

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What are your Management Exposures in your business? Have you got the Management Liability Insurance that you need?

Actions against directors and officers are not restricted to high flying entrepreneurs. Anyone who owns or is insolved at an executive level of a company carries specific responsibilities.

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What do life insurance insurance premiums pay for?

When purchasing most goods and services, its reasonably evident what the price must cover. Generally, it includes the cost of materials used to construct the item, production fees, distribution expenses and mark-ups incurred during the manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer transition. We are often asked about how premiums are calculated, so hopefully the following information will help answer some of those enquiries.

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What happens to your super after you die?

Death and taxes are often said to be the only things in life that are certain. But have you ever wondered how the two are connected in relation to your superannuation?.... |READMORE|


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What is your most important asset?

  Most people have insurance for their home and motor vehicles, but fail to cover their most valuable assets - their life and their ability to earn income over the long term.

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What you need to know about Ponzi schemes

‘A fool and his money are soon parted’ as the old saying goes. Right? Not necessarily.

The financial scams being promoted these days – especially over the internet – have become as sophisticated as the clients they are attempting to target.

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Will the Tax Office seize half of your SMSF when you die?

What happens to a self-managed superannuation fund when a trustee dies? Succession planning for a superannuation fund is often overlooked. The penalty for being a non-compliant fund is severe: a potential tax of 46.5% of the fund’s assets. |READMORE|

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Workers Compensation Basics - what are they?

If a business employs or hires workers on a regular, casual or contract basis, they are considered to be an employer and must have a workers compensation insurance policy.

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Workers Compensation premium payment tips

The following helpful tips have been provided for our clients who may have workers compensation policies.

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